Lane Cove West Public School

Respect - Responsibility - Endeavour

Telephone02 9427 4743

Student code of conduct


I will:

Be an active learner.

·         pay attention during all lessons.

·         work for continuous improvement.

·         complete my class work and homework in the set time.

Be respectful of other people and property.

·         be polite, courteous and considerate of others.

·         avoid threatening, aggressive or negative behaviour.

·         avoid actions that might injure or embarrass others.

·         leave all areas of the school tidy.

·         use school equipment carefully and safely.

Be respectful of our school's good name.

·         wear my school uniform with pride.

·         behave well while on my way to and from school, on excursions and at all school functions.

·         do my best in all school activities.

Be cooperative.

·         listen carefully and follow instructions.

·         help our school leaders to help me.

Be in the right place at the right time.

·         be punctual – be at school and to class on time.

·         store my school bag properly and carefully.

·         gain my teacher's permission before leaving the school grounds.

·         enter classrooms at the appropriate time.

Be careful and play safely.

·         only play in the designated play areas.

·         avoid games and play that might injure or upset other people.

·         protect our trees, shrubs and garden beds.

·         use the toilets and washrooms appropriately.

Be prepared for school.

·         bring the necessary equipment each day.

·         leave prohibited items at home.

Be honest.

·         always tell the truth and be honest with other people.

School rules related to specific situations:

As a student at Lane Cove West Public School I will:

  • play only in the designated areas at 8.55am, 11.10aam (recess) and 1.00pm (lunch).
  • remain seated in the designated lunch area until released by the supervising teacher.
  • leave other people alone as "bullying", physical or verbal violence will not be tolerated (this includes harassment, discrimination, intimidation or teasing).
  • respect the integrity of others.
  • comply with directive "No hat – No play" (in the sun).
  • accept that the classrooms are "out-of-bounds" during recess and lunch.
  • be prompt to the bus lines at 3.25pm.