Lane Cove West Public School

Respect - Responsibility - Endeavour

Telephone02 9427 4743


Positive Behaviour Engaging Learners

Lane Cove West Public School uses the Positive Behaviour Engaging Learners (PBEL) program. The philosophy of this program aims to improve outcomes for all students by creating sustainable school-wide, classroom and individual systems of support that acknowledge the link between positive behaviour and enhanced learning environments.

PBEL provides students and staff at Lane Cove West Public School with a positive and proactive system for defining, teaching and supporting appropriate student behaviours.

Our core values are ‘Respect', ‘Responsibility' and ‘Endeavour'. For each core value there are three behaviour expectations.

LCWPS Core Values PBEL


PBEL emphasises explicit teaching of core values and expectations. Behaviour expectations are taught in all classes across the school on a weekly or needs basis. Expectations are also reinforced in school assemblies and parents are informed of weekly expectations in Chatters, the school newsletter.


‘Bee stamps' form the basis of the awards system and are frequently given to reinforce positive behaviour in a variety of school settings. Bee awards are issued as a 'bee stamp' in the child's personal ‘bee book' or a ‘bee token' when in school settings outside the regular classroom. All bee tokens are converted to bee stamps by the class teacher.  Additional awards are given each fortnight at either the K-2 or 3-6 Assembly. 

10 Bee Stamps


1 sticker on class Beehive Chart

5 stickers on class Beehive Chart


1 Merit Award

5 Merit Awards


1 Gold Award (presented at school assemblies)

5 Gold Awards


1 Banner of Excellence (presented at school assemblies)




A structured consequences system enables consistent follow-up of unacceptable behaviour and incorporates re-teaching of expectations and use of restorative practices.

Data Collection:   

Ongoing collection of data enables identification of areas of concern and informs focus areas for reinforcement of behaviour expectations and implementation of individual behaviour plans.

Student Code of Conduct:

The Student Code of Conduct outlines the expectations of all students.

Student Code of Conduct LCW (PDF 214KB)